
This is my personal website. Press play at the top to listen to some music, or press below if you're on your phone and can't see the playlist.

Nick Wong

I'm a student at Oregon State studying Computer Science. Here, I'll post some of the coursework that I've either completed, or am working on.

Senior Capstone

This is my senior design project where I am working with 2 others on an infotainment system/black box built on Nvidia's Jetson TX2.

CS340 - Introduction to Databases

In this class, we are creating our own database and a website to access that database using NodeJS.

CS492 - Mobile Software Development

In this class I learned to develop basic Android applications using Android Studio. I am currently working on a weather application that pulls data from OpenWeather.org. For my final project, I am working with a group to develop an Android application that automatically generates hashtags based on an image.

My Skills

Here are the skills that I've learned through my time at Oregon State.


This is the language that I am most comfortable with.



This is a language that I am beginning to learn more about.


This is a language that I have had brief experience with.


This is the language that I used to set up this website.


This is a language that I have become interested in.


This is what I use to organize all my coursework and documents.

Get in touch

Here's more of my info